Op donderdag 17 maart 2022 was er een Zeeuwse dag op woonzorgcentrum Stuijvenburgh. Dit is één van de locaties van tanteLouise (ouderenzorg). Een belangrijk onderdeel van de dag waren de diverse dialoogvoeringen aan de hand van de fotowerken ‘Luctor et Emergo’ (ik worstel en kom boven). Bewoners en mantelzorgers gingen met elkaar in gesprek over de (levens)vragen waarmee zij soms worstelen. Hierbij vingen zij elkaar mooi op en durfden vrijuit te praten tijdens het themagesprek. Een mooie verdieping en versterking van de onderlinge verbondenheid. Hieruit blijkt maar weer dat kunst verbindt.

Happy to announce that artwork ‘Birds II’ received an Honorable Mention in the 14th International Black & White Spider Awards.

This year the Spider Awards received 6,418 entries from 73 countries. The Jury represented the industry’s biggest names and tastemakers including Musee de l’Elysee, Lausanne; The Guardian, London; Contrasto Galleria, Milan; Travel/Discovery Channel, New York; Harper’s Bazaar, UK; Portuguese Center of Photography, Porto; Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Zurich; ADK Creative One Inc., Tokyo; Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna; Conny Dietzschold Galleries, Sydney; and Pereira O’Dell in New York.

From dust we are and to dust we shall return…

We are mortal beings, created out of the dust of the earth and to these physical elements our bodies will return. This work represents that you are form, not content. That your body is material, but your consciousness is an eternal mystery.

It’s about the infinite nature of energy, meaning if something dies it gives new life to another. It’s about the end and the beginning. It’s an interpretation of eternity and everlasting love.

Flier! won his nomination in the category: Conceptual Art. Fine Art Photography Awards received thousands of entries from 87 countries around the world. Winners were selected by highly acclaimed panel of international judges.

Fine Art Photography Awards (FAPA) is one of the largest award giving bodies for a community of artists ushering an era of new trends in the world of photography. At FAPA they seek to find artists and unique souls who breathe and live for creativity. FAPA mission is to celebrate Fine Art photography and to discover emerging talent from around the world.

Artwork: Zeeuws Zeelandbrug Misje